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Pack of 10 sheets of 4x5 sandpaper

100 Grit - Great for removing serious blemishes like water rings. The 100 grit sandpaper is too abrasive to be recommended for distressing.

220 Grit - Ideal for distressing and removing brush strokes. The 220 grit sandpaper is best for sanding between coats of polyurethane.

600 Grit - The 600 grit sandpaper is not abrasive enough to distress, but will remove brush strokes to give the piece a velvety soft feel without the worry of sanding too deep. This is auto-grade sandpaper.


  • Spend Pay
    $0 - $9.99 $4.50
    $10 - $49.99 $8.50
    $50 - $99.00 $12.50
    $100 - $149.99 $15.50
    $150 - $199.99 $17.50
    $200 - $249.99 $21.50
    $250.00 - $299.99 $23.50
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